antim daur men pahunchane vaale example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अंतिम दौर में पहुँचने वाले antim daur men pahunchane vaale news and headlines :
1. कान अंतर्राष्ट्रीय फिल्म महोत्सव आयोजन समिति ने गुरुवार को इस साल के फिल्म महोत्सव के अंतिम दौर में पहुंचने वाले फिल्मों की घोषणा की 1. A work in progress finalist will increasingly differentiate the true sense of the word 2. Any finalist consciousness Action posits consciousness 3. Characters postulated by the description This description of finalist activity is not seriously disputed 4. Consider first the most complex cases can finalist action, collective action and conducted by technicians 5. Creating shapes finalist Any action is epigenetic, that is to say creative shapes

Given are the examples of hindi word antim daur men pahunchane vaale usage in english sentences. The examples of antim daur men pahunchane vaale are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., finalist.